And with the changes Google keeps making, SEO is getting harder every day.
But I discovered a method of keyword research that has changed everything.
And I was able to treble the traffic for our clients taking one page to 64,603 visits with zero outreach and using just one technique (and no extra effort).
In this article, I’m going to teach you to step by step how I did it.
How To Treble Your Traffic With The Key Traffic Formula
Google is getting smarter all the time.
In fact, their machine-learning program called Rankbrain is purposely designed to establish ‘searcher intent’ based on your recent search history and also what you have typed (or spoken) into Google.
So while you might ask Google a question, it will bring up what it thinks is the best results based on how it interprets your answer.
And this is the issue; most people do keyword research around the old version of Google.
And for a long time so did I.
That was until I discovered a new way to research keywords that totally changed the results I was able to get for myself and my clients.
I called this the Key Traffic Formula and I used it to:
Gain one client over 64,603 visitors for a single article.
And this is the issue; most people do keyword research around the old version of Google.
And for a long time so did I.
That was until I discovered a new way to research keywords that totally changed the results I was able to get for myself and my clients.
I called this the Key Traffic Formula and I used it to:
Gain one client over 64,603 visitors for a single article.
And increased traffic to one site by 22,532 visitors with a single article
So read on to learn exactly how I did this.
The 4 Steps To Use The Key Traffic Formula To Double Your Search Volume
There are 4 steps to using the Key Traffic Formula to gain results:
Step 1: Purchase a professional SEO tool
Step 2: Find keywords that have a higher number of keyword variations
Step 3: Find ‘Treasure Chest’ keywords
Step 4: Create and optimize your content with phrase variations and LSI keywords and watch it rank
Don’t worry if these steps don’t make sense – they will do as we break down each section.
Step 1: Purchase A Professional SEO Tool
There are a lot of ways to do ‘basic’ keyword research, but if you are an SEO professional or serious about growing your traffic, you need professional tools.
There are many different variations, but for this article, we are going to use Ahrefs.
Ahrefs is well known in the SEO industry, and we will be using it for the Key Traffic Formula.
Now, you might be asking if there is a ‘way’ to do this without a professional tool, and sadly there is not. This is an advanced technique that requires tools that match.
Step 2: Find keywords that have a higher number of keyword variations
When it comes to keywords, we know that there are ‘long tail’ keywords such as ‘best hotels in Loch Ness’ or ‘best Sony TV’s for under £100’.
These searches are precise, and as such, they usually generate less search traffic but tend to be easier to rank for. Yet they are often related to ‘discovery search queries’; they are looking to shop around, compare prices and learn more.
In other words, the person is looking to learn more about a subject and is not ready to ‘buy’ a product or service.
A good rule of thumb is to look at how many Google Ads are displayed on the page. Less or no ads tend to be aligned with more ‘discovery searches’.
As you can see, with this search there are only a few ads:
Then we have broad keywords with search queries such as ‘London Hotels’ or ‘DVD Players’.
These are pretty valuable because they tend to reflect a closer alignment to buyer intent.
A person looking for a hotel in London is likely to be closer to purchase.
Just check how many ads you get then:
Double the ads and even a pricing chart linked in with Google Maps.
The issue is that these broad buyer intent keywords are much harder to rank for because they tend to be super competitive.
Medium-tail keywords, however, are terms that sit in between.
For example, you might search for ‘Romantic Hotels London’
A search like this is a discovery query because you want to learn more about the most Romantic Hotels in London’, but you are not ready to hand over your credit cards just yet (but you might after reading a great piece of content).
And the search results often reflect this with less adverts and more editorial content.
It is in these medium tail keywords that you will find the keyword ‘treasure chest’ that will ignite your search rankings and inbound traffic.
Why A Keyword Treasure Chest Will Supercharge Your Results
A keyword treasure chest is a medium-tail keyphrase that does not necessarily earn a lot of traffic on its own, but due to the advances in Rankbrain, the phrase actually ranks for a larger amount of keyword variations.
The result is that you have a keyword that looks fairly average from the outside but has untold riches on the inside (just like a treasure chest).
And this is key.
Because all of those smaller keyword variations add up to higher volume!
Later on, we will tell you exactly how to look for them, but for now, we need to concentrate on finding ‘medium tail’ search queries.
So, how do to do this?
How To Find Medium-Tail Keywords
Using a tool such as Ahrefs, log into their ‘keyword explorer’.
Next, you want to add a broad keyword such as ‘SEO Tools’ and press the search button.
As you can see this brings back the details.
This phrase is a tough one to go after because it has a keyword difficulty of 83 (on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being super tough to rank for and 0 being easy).
The global search volume is high at 88,000 searches per month but we need to find a medium-tail version of this keyword.
Luckily Ahrefs does this for you by scrolling down.
Right now we have a keyword ideas section which shows 2211 keyword variations, 128 search suggestions and also 27 ‘newly discovered search queries’.
Already we can see a variety of medium-tail searches such as ‘free SEO tools’ that we can look into.
In practice you will visit all of the sections but for now, we will take a look at the 2211 variations to find our ‘treasure chest’.
Step 3: Look for ‘Treasure Chest’ Keywords
It is now time to get a list of those keywords and check them out looking for medium-tail ones.
Right now we have a keyword ideas section which shows 2211 keyword variations, 128 search suggestions and also 27 ‘newly discovered search queries’.
Already we can see a variety of medium-tail searches such as ‘free SEO tools’ that we can look into.
In practice you will visit all of the sections but for now, we will take a look at the 2211 variations to find our ‘treasure chest’.
Step 3: Look for ‘Treasure Chest’ Keywords
It is now time to get a list of those keywords and check them out looking for medium-tail ones.
A good starting filter is to pick 0 to 30.
After clicking apply we have a new list that is ranked via volume:
The next job is going to be tedious but WILL pay off.
Start clicking on the list from top to bottom to examine each search result.
Our first result is a goldmine by the looks of it:
‘Small SEO tools’ has a global volume of 61,000 and a 0 keyword difficulty score.
But to understand if this keyword is one we should target, we need to scroll down to the Ahrefs ‘serps data’ panel.
We can use this to see the search volume a page gets.
The top-ranking result gains 5700 estimated visits per month yet the pages ranked 4th, 6th and even the video ranked 7th gains 7200 monthly visits.
And this is how we are going to find our ‘treasure chest’ keywords and unlock higher search rankings.
So, the next thing you have to do is click on each one.
First, click on the little green down arrow on the title – this will bring up a small data panel.
Next up, click on the overview button at the top.
As we can see this now shows us the page (which is a free plagiarism checker) ranks for over 2100 keywords and has around 10,000 organic visitors per month.
To look more closely we need to click on the ‘organic keywords section’.
The key traffic formula of research is giving us a look into how Rankbrain is figuring out searcher intent.
In this example, ‘small SEO tools’ is the top keyword this page is ranking for over 2000 other queries.
So how could you make use of this option?
Well, one way is to create a ‘small SEO tools review’ article that ranks online for ‘small SEO tools’ and the variety of keywords.
Or you could actually create a free plagiarism checking tool and create a ‘Small SEO Tools Alternative’ page.
But does this work for other types of queries? The answer is yes!
If we repeat the process for ‘child’s mountain bike’ we get these results:
Typically we wouldn’t bother with this keyword if we were doing the keyword research the old way.
There is not enough global search volume, so we would move on and find a new keyword.
But if we scroll down the bottom of the page we can start to use The Key Traffic Formula and we have more opportunities.
We can see that although our search query gets limited searches per month, the results on Google give ‘a best match’.
The article that gains the most traffic is ranked number 7 for this, and ranks for 1610 keywords and has a search volume of 7800 visits per month.
The best part is that it is an article that we could improve (you will see how later).
So we again click on the arrow and press overview.
We can see that while the domain (the DR) is high for this page, the UR is low because there are just 22 backlinks from 10 domains pointing to this article.
Again we can check the keywords that it is ranking for.
We can see that this page ranks for a wide range of keywords, the top one being ‘kids bikes’.
And now we need to jump on this.
Step 4: Create and optimize your content with phrase variations and LSI keywords and watch it rank.
The final step in the Key Traffic Formula is to create content that matches what is ranking already, but use ‘Brian Deans Skyscraper Technique’ to make the content better.
If we look at the first example for ‘Small SEO Tools’ we could use an article such as:
‘Small SEO Tools Alternative’
‘Small SEO Tools Review’
‘SEO Plagiarism Checker’
And for our second example around the bikes we could use:
‘The 100 Best Kids Bikes’
‘Best Kids Bikes Reviewed’
The Top 100 Childrens Bikes’
The goal is to rank online for not one phrase, but be found in hundreds or thousands of keyword variations.
We know that if we are really specific with our keywords and use long tail we are in effect reducing the potential reach of content.
By using medium-tail keywords that rank for ‘far more keyword variations’ we are in essence letting Google send us more traffic for free.
We will be covering exactly how to make a great piece of content in another article but for now, let’s cover the basics.
How To Create Keyword Focused Content
First, pick the medium-tail keyword that you want to use:
In this example, it makes sense to use the same title as the bikes but to make it better.
So we are going to create an article ‘The 100 Best Kids Bikes’.
However, we are going to make sure we add what are called ‘LSI keywords’ to the article.
LSI stands for Latent Semantic Indexing and are words that Google considers variations of what you searched for.
To see an example of them simply go to Google and search for ‘mountain bikes for kids’ and then scroll to the bottom of the page:
These phrases at the bottom are LSI keywords and if you can add some to your content where appropriate, it will help Google to understand what your content is about.
So with that in mind, you create a far better article on the same topic.
Now here is the added secret weapon.
By using a tool like Ahrefs you have a list of the other words that this article ranks for.
Your job is to go and grab those words and sprinkle those variations (without keywords stuffing) into your content.
By doing this and adding LSI keywords you are making it easy for Google to understand exactly what your content is about and who it is for.
So there you have it. The aim of The Key Traffic Formula is simple.
Because Google has improved a great deal you should no longer be looking for keywords that get huge high search volumes, but instead look for medium-tail searches that have a lot of variations.
Most keyword research techniques follow a path like this:
Step 1: Find a popular keyword that has high search volume and low keyword difficulty
Step 2: Create content around that single keyword
Step 3: Hope it ranks for more searches
The Key Traffic Formula is different
First, you find keywords that have a higher number of keyword variations.
Second, you create kick-ass content on that subject.
And finally, you optimize your content with phrase variations and LSI keywords and watch it rank.
By doing this you are going to gain far more traffic for your clients (and your own websites) in a far shorter amount of time.
Now It’s Your Turn
Go out and start to find your ‘Treasure Chest Keywords’ and let us know what results you gain.
Thanks for reading.
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